
Donald Trump Wins the Nevada GOP Caucuses

With this win, Trump, who entered politics only last June, has consolidated his position ahead of his two major Republican presidential candidates – Cruz and Marco Rubio – who are now vying for the second position.


“This is an incredible night”, Mr Trump told cheering supporters in a victory speech after Tuesday’s vote. Entrance polls also showed that only about 1 percent of Nevada GOP caucus-goers said they were black – with 86 percent identifying as white, and 8 percent as Hispanic, NBC News reported.

“Mexico is going to build the wall”, he added before thanking those responsible for his Nevada win.

Ticking off a list of upcoming primary states where he’s leading in preference polls, Trump predicted he’ll soon be able to claim the Republican presidential nomination.

The property mogul is on a roll after winning primaries in New Hampshire and SC.

An ecstatic Trump said his win was broadly based, including strong support among Hispanics. We won with the poorly educated…

And now anything really is possible: not just Trump’s winning the Republican nomination, but even his taking the presidency itself.

The New York Times’ tally tracker updated the results in real time, showing Trump’s winnings alongside last week’s Democratic caucus outcome in the Western state.

The Midwest gets its first chance to vote on Super Tuesday.

Lagging far behind the two senators in the Nevada vote were Ohio Gov. John Kasich and retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson. Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio were expected to vie for second place.

Trump’s resounding victory was made possible by majority of the caucusgoers who said they wanted a president from outside the political establishment.

Asked Monday whether immigration officials should go out looking for undocumented immigrants to deport, Cruz said “that’s what ICE exists for”.

U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) shook off his disappointing third-place finish in Tuesday’s Nevada caucus during a rally in Houston Wednesday saying, “I believe we are poised to have a very good night on Super Tuesday”.

Is the race for the GOP nomination over?

“As long as this remains jumbled, Trump is the big-time victor”, said Ford O’Connell, a Republican strategist who worked on the McCain-Palin presidential campaign in 2008.


Broad appeal Pundits speak of the Trump ceiling, but he has a broad appeal, from moderates to diehard conservatives and evangelicals, and from the poorly educated – “I love the poorly educated!” he proclaimed in Las Vegas – to voters with college degrees.

Donald Trump Wins the Nevada GOP Caucuses