
Donald Trump Would ‘Love’ Having Sarah Palin In His Cabinet

“They’re ineffective. To a degree that’s nearly hard to believe”, Trump said.


The real estate mogul went on “The Palin Update” Monday – a radio show airing on Mama Grizzly Radio, a station that offers 24-hour news about Palin and issues related to her – telling host Kevin Scholla that he would consider having the former Alaska governor in an official capacity in a Trump administration.

“I’d love that. She really is somebody that knows what’s happening, and she’s a special person, she’s really a special person, and I think people know that. And she’s got a following that’s unbelievable”.

Sarah Palin has expressed her support and admiration for Donald Trump in the past, as noted by Inquisitr.

[Image via Ivan Nikolov/WENN.]. “She has a tremendously loyal group of people out there for her”.

Palin lost her pundit’s gig at Fox News in late spring. In that poll, Trump garnered 24% of support, which is a lot considering there are 17 Republican presidential candidates. “You just don’t see that anymore”.

As the former running mate of 2012 GOP candidate John McCain, Palin effectively sidestepped a recent maelstrom of controversy when Donald Trump slammed McCain’s record as a war hero. “Everybody loves her”.

Trump is now leading the large field of Republicans vying for the White House in 2016.


Huh? The Donald has spent years responding on Twitter, usually calling his critics “losers”. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., couldn’t get a job in the private sector.

Trump: 'I'd love' to have Sarah Palin in my administration | TheHill