
Donors to receive text message when their blood is dispatched to hospital

“My blood is as good as yours (O+ in my case)”, Polis tweeted Sunday in the hours after the shooting, which left 50 dead and dozens wounded.


The center is responding to the need for blood in Orlando and sending donations from about 100 people to OneBlood in Florida to help victims of the Orlando shooting.

“O-Negative is usually what’s used in tragic incidents when they don’t know the blood type”, said Eldridge. The need for blood always increases over the summer and with what’s happened in Florida, the need has increased even more. Red Cross Communications Manager Bernadette Jay said many don’t realize just how vital on blood donation can be.

FDA policy has been that men who have sex with men are banned for life from donating blood. This interest in blood donation comes as world blood donor day is celebrated tomorrow.

“If you are unable to donate for any reason, consider recruiting someone else to donate on your behalf”, Fagan said. St. Peter says he hopes this spreads awareness that blood is needed year round, and tragic events like Orlando are not something that can be planned for.

Gay or bisexual men who have had sex with another man in the past year were not allowed to donate, according to the Federal Drug Administration.

“We need to see nearly 120 donors in one day to have 7 units of O negative blood”, said Eldridge.

However it ” s the blood that’s already on the shelf during an emergency that’s going to save lives.

She says the center has sent a few units to the local blood bank, OneBlood, in Orlando.

He said he donates blood about every two months. Hundreds lined up outside the orlando blood center.


An Arizona blood bank pitched in to help victims of the Orlando shooting. “I can’t do more unfortunately but if a small feat for me helps somebody else, I’m all for that”.

John Sallstrom Blood Drive Wednesday