
Dozens of old Clinton emails newly classified

That’s because Clinton failed to hand over all her work emails, despite being asked to do so repeatedly, and the State Department is not searching for them elsewhere.


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HOLLYWOOD-Well I can’t remember the last time I recall a movie drawing in such impressive numbers at the box-office. Every time you do something like that, you’re opening the wound again, and it just makes it harder for you.

In addition, hundreds of messages that Clinton turned over to the State Department contain information that has since been deemed classified.

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The Bucks (10-18) lost for the third straight time on their West Coast trip and their road losing streak was extended to 12 games. I was able to get a couple of buckets and spark our run. “There’s definitely some of that that happens when we need a spark”.

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Their ships then fired “several unguided rockets” just 1,500 yards away from the US vessels, the CENTCOM spokesman said. The Gulf incident, which occurred last week, may have spurred the United States to finally impose the sanctions.

Thus far, the emails include mostly mundane office notes, schedules and news articles. The department said, though, that will not happen.

It’s cute. State Department. Defense and State officials declined to comment.

An inmate mistakenly released from a Washington state prison three months early has been charged with shooting and killing a teenager when he should have been locked up, officials said Thursday. She has since apologized for her choice to set up a private server rather than use an official government email.

The department acknowledged on Thursday that it will fall short of the mandate to release 82 percent (about 45,000 pages) of Clinton’s total 55,000 pages of emails by the end of 2015. Clinton maintains the information was not secret at the time the emails were sent. But Clinton attorney David Kendall said that Clinton could not access the missing documents.

“The decision that New Hampshire makes is so important”, she said.

The State Department did not explain why it hadn’t asked federal agencies for help, saying only that it tried to get the missing emails by asking Clinton.

USA Today reports that the email, with the subject line “Photo gone viral!”, was forwarded to Clinton from her chief of staff, Cheryl Mills. Clinton has said none were marked classified at the time they were sent.

Clinton, the front-runner for the Democratic nomination for president in 2016, has come under heavy criticism for using the private server while she was secretary of State.

We provided all of them.


One new discovery that came in a previous batch of emails was that Clinton told her daughter and other world leaders that the Benghazi attacks were a planned terrorist act before public statements from the Obama administration blamed spontaneous protests over an anti-Islam video.

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