
Dr. Ben Carson campaigns in Lexington on Monday

The voting process will be similar to a Kentucky election – voters will show identification, sign in, and vote by secret ballot – but the voting locations are different. Voting hours will be 10 4 p.m.


All of the counties in this region will have single locations that will be manned by the local Republican party and its volunteers.

She said she got a post card from the Kansas Republican Party, saying her caucus would be in Effingham in Atchison County.

Both parties have experienced problems in past presidential years that they would rather forget: Missing vote totals, weather-delayed caucuses and overcrowded caucus venues that prompted frustrated participants to turn around and head home.

According to the State Board of Elections, Daviess County has 24,851 registered Republicans compared to 40,813 registered Democrats. “Wilson Nurseries will be cooking hamburgers and hotdogs on Big Green Eggs (ceramic cookers) so we wanted to make it a fun environment for folks since it’s our first caucus ever”, Schrader said. Republicans vote by secret ballot in Iowa, while Democrats publicly state their opinions and vote.

Hatfield also expressed concern from the switch in voting formats, which hasn’t been done since 1984. L.I.F.E. House for Animals is going to have an adoption day. I personally think it’s six of one and half dozen of the other.

The addition of electioneering at the caucus will be a major contrast from the primary and general elections.

The most important thing for people to do, he said, is to get out and vote – to participate in changing this country. “… As long as they’re outside that 25-foot barrier, they can greet people and tell the people about their candidates”.

Biagi said there will also be no trickling out of voting numbers from the county locations.

“They know about us, they’re working on it”, Lasley said.

The caucus chair will announce the results of each caucus after all of the ballots have been cast and counted. “So we have that added transparency of accountability in the actual counting process”. Voters in the non-caucus counties will be able to go to an adjacent county.

Both parties expect that some of the candidates may campaign in the state late next week, after Super Tuesday. Paul also committed $250,000 to help fund the statewide caucus.

Eleven presidential candidates filed to participate in the caucus, all of whom will remain on the ballot.

Still in the race are Ben Carson, U.S. Sen. Ohio Gov. John Kasich has the backing of former state House Minority Whip Jim Zimmerman and Congressman Larry Hopkins. Trump fell 4% of the votes behind the evangelical Christian, Tea Party advocate Ted Cruz, who is a senator from Texas, whilst the young and energetic Florida Senator Marco Rubio is snapping at Trump’s heels just 1% off his pace.

What is a Kansas Presidential caucus like?

Noe said that even those candidates who have suspended their campaigns, such as Kentucky’s Rand Paul, will still be on the caucus ballot.

But unlike in many recent presidential election cycles, Kentucky Republicans will choose their nominee at a time when the race is far from settled.


The media hype around the billionaire, along with the internet hilarity, is a distraction away from the fact that he is an incredibly flawed presidential candidate and although he may be leading in the polls now, I am more than comfortable to say that he will not become President of the United States.

GOP caucus to be held at Crest Theater