
Drama Even before the First gavel falls at the Democratic National Convention

As Democrats opened their convention in Philadelphia amid palpable discord, Trump offered his take to supporters. The move by the veteran congresswoman from Florida came after the publication two days ago of almost 20,000 hacked party emails, some of which suggested the DNC was favoring presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton during the primary calendar.


The emails show party leaders were biased against Bernie Sanders, even when it became clear Hillary Clinton would win the party’s nomination, an honor she will officially accept Thursday night in Philadelphia. The Vermont senator Sunday repeated calls for the resignation of Wasserman Schultz, whose leadership was already under fire and whose impartiality was called into question by the leaks.

“If all those top Democrats knew such an unethical, possibly illegal, thing was happening, why didn’t any of them say so until it was too late to make any difference (and too obvious to deny, thanks to Wikileaks)?”.

President Barack Obama praised Wasserman Schultz, while Clinton said that soon-to-be former chairwoman would continue to play a role in the Clinton campaign, especially in Florida, which Wasserman Schultz is a congresswoman. She’s facing Tim Canova, who is endorsed by Bernie Sanders.

The leaks hurt Clinton in several ways, including confirming Sanders and his supporters long held complaint that party officials had stacked the deck against him. “She deserves an opportunity to gavel us in, turn over to the permanent chair and she deserves an opportunity, I think, to also close us out”.

“So I can see that’s little bit of interest in my being here and I appreciate that interest”, Wasserman Schultz said amid the cacophony.

“I’m furious for what you are doing for Bernie Sanders”.

Clinton, the former secretary of state, has emerged as the victor of the Democratic presidential primaries defeating Senator Sanders.


Perhaps the most notable voicemail was from a female donor who reportedly donated $300 to the Democratic Party.

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