
Dropping in the Polls, Hillary Clinton Attacks Bernie Sanders on ISIS

US Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont remains the clear front-runner in the New Hampshire Democratic primary now less than three weeks away, according to a Suffolk University Political Research Center poll released Friday.


In a conference call with reporters on Thursday, former State Department official and now senior policy advisor to Hillary, Jake Sullivan argued that Sanders’ proposal to more aggressively normalize relations with Iran “not only breaks with President Obama’s policy, it breaks with the sober and responsible diplomatic approach that’s been working for the United States”.

Her friend, Jamie Pritzker, 20, who says she’s between Sanders and Clinton, also dismissed Lovato as having any impact on her vote, but did admit the singer’s appearance was a factor in why she attended the event.

But the former secretary of state says her campaign is stronger this time around.

But spurred by anti-establishment anger and an ability to raise big money online, Sanders has risen in the polls and become someone who credibly could beat Clinton in Iowa and New Hampshire, something that would have been considered outrageous months ago.

If the primary election were held today, the survey found, 60 percent of likely voters said they would support Sanders, compared to just 33 percent who said they would back Clinton – a 10 percentage point increase for the Vermont senator since December. The point difference between Sanders and Hillary Clinton, who leads in the poll by nine points nationally, is now the closest it has ever been.

The Sanders campaign wasted no time to return fire against David Brock, the head of the pro-Hillary Clinton super PAC Correct the Record. “I like his ideas, but he can’t get them accomplished”.

In recent polls by Loras College, Monmouth College, and Emerson College, Clinton averaged about 52 percent, while Sanders averaged around 37 percent. Some of Clinton’s high-profile Democratic surrogates will also be fanning across the state, including Sens. With 18 days to go and a self described Democratic Socialist suddenly beating her by double digits in polls, it hasn’t been an easy week for the democratic presidential candidate. We’ve got to make sure the Affordable Care Act actually works, and we can decrease costs.

“I know what it’s like to run from behind in New Hampshire – and I know what it’s like to come from behind and win in New Hampshire”, she said, to a standing ovation.

Nationally, Clinton still has a considerable lead over Sanders, 74.

New Hampshire-based American Research Group showed Sanders ahead, 49 percent to 43 percent, plus O’Malley at 3 percent.


“What I’m hearing more and more is that (black voters) are now open to hearing Bernie”.

Why Bernie Has The Young Vote