
Dubuque Republicans don’t recognize man who told Univision anchor to ‘Get out

Ramos, the Miami-based anchor for Univision, stood up and began to ask Trump about his immigration proposal, which includes ending automatic citizenship for infants born in the US to parents in the country illegally.


Jorge Ramos was asked to leave after he twice got into arguments with front running Democratic candidate Donald Trump.

For Donald Trump, the joy of the insult seems as compelling as the art of the deal.

And of course, trump did not spare his republican rivals, making comments about Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio. Univision, the Spanish-language broadcaster, responded to his comments by cutting ties with the Trump Organization.

Ramos sees a possible bright spot in Trump’s 2016 role.

Like the rest of sane society, Ricky Martin is pretty fed up with Donald Trump and his antics. As he did with Ramos, Trump mentioned that he is suing Univision for $500 million for its decision to drop Miss Universe coverage after Trump said in his presidential bid declaration that Mexico was sending Mexicans across the border who are criminals, rapists and drug couriers.

“I’m not a bully”, Trump said.

No. let me tell you, we’re gonna do it in a very humane fashion, believe me.

Univision said Ramos had earlier requested an interview with Trump, which the candidate rejected before distributing Ramos’ cell phone number on social media.

Ramos said, “You can not deport 11 million”. “He didn’t like the question, and then he called on another reporter trying to make sure that I would stop”.

Trump:Sit down. You haven’t been called”.

Ramos said, “I have the right to ask a question”.

“As a Presidential candidate, Mr. Trump is going to get tough questions from the press and has to answer them“, Falco said.

He said Kelly “must have had a awful vacation” because “she’s really off her game”.

At this weird news conference, Trump claimed that he enjoyed tremendous support from Latinos.

At the now infamous press conference, Ramos posed a question without being called on. “Trump can and should be pressed on this”, he tweeted during a prolonged debate with Greenwald.

“Come to South Carolina, and I’ll beat his brains out”, a riled-up Graham told CNN Tuesday, referring to beating Trump in his state’s Republican primary.

“I am not great with names, but faces I know”. I don’t think she does a good job.

But let’s start with Trump’s latest heated exchange and NBC national correspondent Peter Alexander.


Trump’s attacks on Kelly have received widespread condemnation, with even Fox News CEO Roger Ailes demanding an apology. Trump then fielded a question from WXOW Capitol Bureau Chief Greg Neumann on why he thinks he’s surpassed Gov. Walker in the most recent Iowa polls, which show him leading the GOP field and up eight points on the third-place Walker.

Ricky Martin Speaks Out Against Donald Trump Defends Jorge Ramos