
Duke students named Rhodes Scholars

The American students will join an worldwide group of scholars chosen from 16 jurisdictions around the world.


According to the press release, Mediate, a native of Colorado Springs, Colorado, majored in Africana studies and pre-health during her time at Notre Dame.

Garrett Lam has been named as a Rhodes scholar after he broke a Guinness World Record for standing on an exercise ball for five hours and 25 minutes. This year approximately 2,000 students sought their institution’s endorsement; 869 were endorsed by 316 different colleges and universities.

Students from each end of Pennsylvania are among those selected as Rhodes scholars to pursue post-graduate studies at Oxford University. Winners are selected on the basis of high academic achievement, personal integrity, and leadership potential, among other attributes. “I’m going to be working really hard over the next few years at Oxford to meet those standards”.

Rhodes scholarships were created in 1902 by the Will of Cecil Rhodes, British philanthropist and African colonial pioneer.

The American Rhodes Scholar Class of 2016 was named Sunday.

Jackson, of Lexington, Ky., is the first student at Northeastern University to win. Once she completes the master’s in philosophy in social anthropology program at Oxford, Michalove intends to pursue a doctorate in anthropology, focusing on the Middle East.

At Duke, Ruckelshaus serves on the Duke University Board of Trustees as a student representative, and as a senator in Duke Student Government.

“It’s through debate that I would say he got interested in these economic and political issues”, she said.


“You know there’s this common saying that nothing good comes out of the Delta…I’m like a living testimony -that’s not true…we can do it too”, Wheeler said.

Rhodes Scholar