
Dunkin’ Donuts employee accused of spraying donuts with bleach

When the teens came back for more, the employee refused to serve them several times, but eventually told them to return later.


The recent incident of alleged tainting at the Oakton Dunkin’ Donuts location is reportedly still under investigation. When officials arrived, and an investigation was completed, police confirmed that a group of teenagers were given donuts that had been poisoned.

Before the kids came back, the employee allegedly sprayed all of the donuts he planned on giving them with a cleaning solution that contained bleach in it, clearly with the intention of hurting them, and possibly killing them.

The incident took place on Monday night, police said.

After a few failed attempts, they did receive free day-old donuts – but this time they were different.

They called police, claiming the employee sprayed cleaning product containing bleach on the donuts. In this instance, we have been informed by the franchise owner that he has terminated the employee involved and is cooperating fully with the local authorities.

According to police, the teens on Sunday were offered free doughnuts that would have been thrown out at the end of the day, reported WUSA9. No one required medical attention, according to police.


The kids ate the donuts, some eating the entire donut and some just a bite, before realizing that something was wrong. “As this is a pending police matter, it is inappropriate for us to comment further and, as such, any additional questions can be directed to the police department”. Investigators have confiscated the remaining doughnuts as evidence, as prosecutors look into possible charges of misdemeanor assault.

UPDATED: Teens claim Dunkin Donuts employee gave them donuts sprayed with bleach