
Dunkin Donuts releases festive holiday cup, draws comparisons to Starbucks

On Tuesday the restaurant chain Dunkin’ Donuts released it’s annual holiday cup.


Josua Feuerstein, an Arizona-based evangelist, posted a Facebook video on November 5, accusing the coffee giant of removing the Christmas pattern because the company “hates Jesus”.

“Do you realize that Starbucks wanted to take Christ and Christmas off of their brand new cups?” Although a few folks protested the move, claiming the coffee company’s intent is to remove any connection the religious roots Christmas, former Full House actress and current co-host on The View says she’s not buying it. “It’s a red cup, folks”, she declares in an Instagram post. The cups, which in previous years were decorated with Christmas-themed images, now feature a simple red design. “No more Merry Christmas on Starbucks”, the bloviating billionaire told a rally in Springfield, Illinois, this week.

He added of the relatively plain design, “It’s just red and green, which obviously could represent anything: Different types of bell peppers, two-thirds of a stoplight, a frog that was run over by a bus – anything!”

As CBS2 Political Reporter Marcia Kramer reported, the mayor seemed to regard Trump’s comments on the so-called red cup controversy as more of a tempest in a teapot – or a coffee pot – than anything else.

Starbucks vice president of Design & Content Jeffrey Fields made it clear in a statement that the plain red cup was only meant to inspire the coffee franchise’s patrons.

That is a sentiment that many Christians are backing.

“I don’t care what they put on their cups”.

Stephen Colbert debuted his own version of Starbucks’ holiday cups last night on “The Late Show”.


They said Dunkin’ did “what Starbucks should have done” – reigniting the Great Starbucks Holiday Cup Controversy of 2015. “We believe this conveys the happiness and spirit of the holiday season in a way that resonates with our guests”.

Starbucks			Starbucks Red Holiday Cups