
Durex announced an eggplant flavored condom for a very serious reason

They have since tweeted to confirm that the aubergine condom was just a ruse that many people had fallen for.


Condom manufacturer Durex had the Twittersphere questioning if it was April Fool’s Day when it announced a new eggplant-flavoured condom.

Apart from this, Durex is also found to share awareness about Zika virus, informing people that Zika is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) and one should use condoms to stay protected from it.

The famous condom company has chose to create an aubergine flavour range – and nobody can handle it. According to a company spokesperson, “Durex knows there is no place for an aubergine when it comes to safe sex”.

It’s one thing trying to explain to your mum what the aubergine emoji REALLY means, but now we have another weird eggplant sex-related thing to confuse everyone further.

Regardless of their reaction, many people believed that Durex was serious.

Based upon the premise that the “humble” aubergine has become a symbol to help millennials broach the subject of sex in text-speak, the contraceptive brand said it has designed the new flavour to underline the “absurdity” of Unicode Consortium’s decision not to approve an official condom emoji.

In November, Durex launched a campaign calling for the “world’s first official safe sex condom emojis”.


Volker Sydow, Global Director Durex, said: “The idea of an Eggplant condom coming from Durex is pretty absurd”. The company may not exactly be launching a savory condom, but they did create all the hype as part of the company’s campaign to attract young people’s attention towards talking about safe sex.
