
Dying dog lives to see his owner’s wedding

He used up all of his energy before the wedding and didn’t have the strength to make it back up the aisle – so the maid of honor scooped him up and carried him.


The 15-year-old black lab witnessed Kelly O’Connell and James Garvin get hitched in Colorado earlier this month, despite an advanced brain tumor.

Charlie made it down the aisle, but he couldn’t make it back.

‘The aisle was really short and I am just not a chick to be messed with. “It was just the most touching display of that that I’ve seen, and it was spur of the moment, it just happened, because that’s how these people are”.

‘That’s when I yelled “I’m not leaving him!” and picked him up and bolted.

‘I think everyone backed off so sister could carry her nephew dog, ‘ Lloyd wrote in a comment on Facebook.

She instinctively took him home when she spotted him in a shopping trolley.

“The bride stroked his face and told him how happy she was that he made it”, she said.

‘He was 15, so at her age she spent roughly half her life with him, ‘ Lloyd said.

From sharing pictures together, talking about life’s problems to going out for walks; pets are one of the best companions for people who don’t ask for anything more than affection in return. I need to defend Aaron, the best man.

“[They] met just as she was about to head to Scotland for five years to become a vet”, wedding photographer Jen Dziuvenis said.

“This is what love looks like”, Dziuvenis told The Washington Post. But Charlie knew he couldn’t let go until he saw his human get married to the love of her life and be a part of her big day.


Sadly on September 9, Charlie succumbed to his illness and died – just days after the nuptials. “I just think to myself, despite that feeling of did I push it too far, or did I force him to stay around for this wedding, looking at those makes me think, he just wanted to see that, us come together, and I guess his mom be taken care of”.

Maid of Honor Carries Family's Dying Dog Down Aisle for Couple