
[E3 2016] Sony Unveils PlayStation VR Release Date

Per Cinema Blend, the general sentiment was that Sony’s E3 2016 show was indeed a good one despite the missing PS4 Neo. There will also be a Final Fantasy XV “VR experience” on PlayStation VR, which is a… first-person shooter?


During E3, Sony previewed some of the games that will be available for the system. They should be looking to sell the console for less than the Rift so that potentially means more virtual reality in more households.

“If you are a person who’s just purchased a 4K television, maybe there’s not that much content around right now, so there’s something interesting about games being able to fill that gap and offer that experience”.

Microsoft also unveiled details of a new Project Scorpio, which is a new 4K games console which will be packed with high-performance graphics processors and specifically designed for virtual reality gaming and applications.

All PlayStation 4s are VR-capable, requiring a PlayStation VR headset and PlayStation camera.

Using its E3 showcase, the gaming company said it would be releasing its PlayStation VR Headset to the world on October 13. They’re getting an idea of interest with pre-order sales that are frequently selling out on sites like Amazon, figures which will help them to figure out how many consoles to have ready for the launch. “In the past, we have seen some demanding hardcore gamers switch to computers at one point or the other when they like to see the best graphical performance”.

The PlayStation VR will be priced at $399, a lower price than its rivals including Facebook Inc.’s (NASDAQ: FB) Oculus Rift and HTC Corp.’s Vive.

KitGuru Says: I quite like the offerings Sony has come up with for early PlayStationVR. These will be separate purchases, however; no games are to be bundled with the PlayStation VR hardware itself.

Every year around this time at E3, the Big 3 video game companies take their time to show off their wares and upcoming products.


As Sony provided demos of some of their games in the press conference, a live orchestra played in the background throughout the event.

Sony's First VR Headset Coming on October 13