
E3 2016: Watch_Dogs 2 Releasing November 15 for PS4

Watch Dogs 2 was finally revealed officially last week after suffering more leaks than Ubisoft would like to remember. It’s still Watch Dogs, ie fairly bland, but it at least looks like there’s a bit more scope for fucking around, which is kind of the bedrock of open world gaming, so you never know.


Having spent around 25 minutes with Watch Dogs 2 it is clear that it’s a very different game from the first one. At the forefront of new generation consoles, WATCH_DOGS was one of the first to announce a title for next generation consoles in 2012. The partnership goes farther as Ubisoft Motion Pictures, the film and television division of Ubisoft®, announced its collaboration with Sony Pictures Entertainment and New Regency on development of a feature film based on WATCH_DOGS.

The demo begins with a demonstration of new protagonist Marcus Holloway’s street-level hacking abilities. San Francisco and Marcus?

But really, I like the lighter tone of this Watch Dogs game. Its gameplay, too, seems to be providing even more variety and will allow for a completely stealth orientated approach, as well as guns blazing.

During the presentation of Watch Dogs 2 during Ubisoft’s E3 conference, viewers were graced with the presence of a fascinating character.


The gameplay looks similar to what we experienced in the first, but with many more hacking opportunities – the trailer saw Marcus hijack a red sports auto to send it spinning out of control off the road.

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