
EA shares impressive Star Wars Battlefront beta stats

As the official release date for Star Wars Battlefront approaches, EA looked back at the beta. I did a few math (thanks, Google!) and found out that adds up to roughly 168 minutes per player. Try 9.5 million players big. Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader entered the battlefield 11,842,954 times during the short beta. Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine will both be included as villains in the final game. The 2.0 GPM flow rate is more than enough to give you the pressure you need in the shower. There’s also a brief roll out of the stats for the top Star Cards. The game reportedly opened its doors to 9.5 million gamers on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, breaking EA’s previous record of hosting beta tests. These Training Missions can be played individually or in co-op mode and allow acclimation to both Imperial and Rebel forces. To put that in true, geeky perspective, that’s the equivalent of watching Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace a mere 11,764,705 times (or so). “Yet with it all on the line, could this risky gambit cripple their forces in the fight against the Empire?”



An ex-Free Radical employee stated after the game’s cancellation that the studio’s ground-to-space was “dying with us”, and that the next Battlefront title (then in development at United Kingdom studio Rebellion) was being rebuilt from the ground up, with the ground-to-space transition replaced by a cut-scene. A grand total of 783,392 million AT-AT Walkers were destroyed, and who knows how many were hopped on and ridden. The first issue of the flagship series in January had several hundred thousands of copies go out through “box of the month” club Lootcrate, and video game retailer Gamestop has offered special variants and posters from these two series as part of their “Power Up Rewards” program.

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