
Eagle to Drone: ‘FOH’

While drones have soared in popularity, their place in the animal kingdom remains at the bottom of the food chain.


Here is a video of an Australian wedge-tailed eagle knocking a drone out of the sky.

According to Lancaster, the “eagle was fine”.

Commenters speculated on the YouTube video that the chook was defending her infants, although Lancaster stated he noticed no nest close by.

Luckily for us, the footage survived the crash landing.

Eagle, having protected its air space as nature intended, screams down to the drone: “And you best not come around here no more”.

That encounter value the zoo $2,100.

Lancaster also said the drone was damaged in the fall and not from the eagle’s punch, but the eagle appeared to be just fine.


“I will not be flying the native seemingly “protected” space anymore”, Lancaster wrote. He was operating his drone over a densely wooded area, when out of nowhere, the giant bird attacked it.

A Wedge Tailed Eagle showed this Australian drone pilot its power knocking the drone out of the sky in one hit