
Earnest on GOP debate: Kinda like a tough day at the airport

Second, perhaps if President Obama hears some discussion about a need for a determined American response, it will stimulate some thinking in the White House about whether he will take any steps to inhibit the actions of our enemies during his remaining time in office.


Obama will appear before executives at a meeting of the Business Roundtable on Wednesday to warn Republicans of the economic consequences of a government shutdown.

Earnest has previously said President Obama had no plans to watch the GOP debate, and noted Thursday that he hadn’t spoken to him about his reaction to any news clips he may have viewed on it.

Instead, he argued that the GOP debates are not serving Republicans well because of their “pessimistic” approach, while the Democrats’ debates will offer their side a chance to showcase the successes of the Obama administration.

He implied that the present day republicans seemed to have forgotten about Abraham Lincoln, the first Republican president. On Wednesday, he pushed back on Trump’s campaign pledge to “Make America Great Again”.

“I will just say in general that the president [Obama] has made the case repeatedly that the interests of the United States are more effectively advanced around the world through engagement”, Earnest said”.

“It’s apparent that he is following the race”.


CARLOS BARRIA/REUTERS President Barack Obama will not be viewing the GOP presidential debate on Wednesday, according to White House press secretary Josh Earnest. Obama also skipped the first debate, “to the disbelief of some”, Earnest said.
