
East Jerusalem suffocates under harsh Israeli siege

The majority of perpetrators of the stabbing attacks, for example, are Palestinians from east Jerusalem or Palestinian towns inside Israel.


A number of Palestinian businesses in Jerusalem’s Old City have been forced to close because their owners refused to intervene when Israeli settlers were stabbed or because they live outside Jerusalem.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (C) attends a special session at the Knesset (Israeli parliament) in Jerusalem, on October 14, 2015.

“First of all, he isn’t dead, he’s alive, and he isn’t innocent, he tried to kill a 13-year-old riding a bike, who was the true innocent”, Netanyahu said in a press conference today.

Hundreds of extra Israeli soldiers and police have flooded East and West Jerusalem, to supplement the thousands already there, sealing off Palestinian neighbourhoods from Jewish neighbourhoods in West Jerusalem with ubiquitous checkpoints and roadblocks.

“The recent spate of attacks on Israeli civilians would present a challenge for any police force”, she said.

Earlier in the day at Indiana University, US Secretary of State John Kerry said he condemned the violence, which has claimed the lives of 8 Israelis, over 30 Palestinians and wounded over 80 others over the last 15 days. Israel says the restrictions are security measures to prevent friction.

He also quoted recent statements by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in which he blessed “every drop of blood spilled for Allah” and asserted that Jews desecrated a Jerusalem holy site with their “filthy feet”.

Abbas said that peace and security would never exist in the region until a Palestinian state was established and warned of Israeli plots to undermine Palestinian objectives.

Knife attacks by Palestinians on Israelis have police scratching their heads.

As officers approached him, Samri said, the man allegedly lunged at them with a knife.

The Israel Security Agency identified the perpetrator as Basel Sider, 19, of the West Bank city of Hebron. The video moves to a shot of the boy who was stabbed standing in a candy store, getting on his bicycle and then crumbling over and falling off his bike after the attack.

The Palestinians want the UN to consider deploying a protection force in occupied East Jerusalem to help quell violence, the Palestinian envoy to the United Nations has said.

“Manasra’s cousin was killed by Israeli police”. “He’s now being be treated at Haddasah hospital in Israel”.

Palestinians, who make up one-third of the city’s population, point to inequities in housing and public services, their vague legal status and Israel’s construction of a separation barrier through their neighborhoods as sources of anger and despair. These conflicting claims lie at the heart of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. He threatened to submit a case at the worldwide Criminal Court against what he called Israel’s “extrajudicial killings” of Palestinians.

State Department spokesman John Kirby denied that Secretary John Kerry was “trying to affix… blame for recent violence” when he attributed it to “a massive increase in settlements”.

There also was violence in Palestinian areas. Clashes continued Wednesday between Israeli troops and Palestinian protesters in the West Bank city of Bethlehem.

The Israeli government appears ready to fight back.


Elliott Abrams of the Council on Foreign Relations and a former Middle East adviser to President George W. Bush, said two major factors complicate Kerry’s efforts, particularly if he were to try yet another broad push for a peace deal.

Palestinian man in east Jerusalem