
Ebay to close operation in Dundalk with loss of 150 jobs

Online auction site Ebay is to close its operation in Dundalk, Co Louth, its 150 staff were told today.


The company is expected to launch a consultation process shortly.

U.S. technology company eBay is to close its operations in Dundalk in the second quarter of next year.

PayPal had told eBay that it meant to expand its business and asked tenants to leave so it could occupy the facility. Now, as PayPal seeks to expand, they’ve served notice on eBay and they will leave the building in the second quarter of 2017.

A company spokesperson said: ‘We can confirm that PayPal has served us notice as tenants of its Dundalk facility.

PayPal said: “Our operations will expand and move into the office space vacated by eBay”. “It’s simply unacceptable that the workers have had to put up with these rumours for months without any clarification being provided by management”.

He said serious questions had to be asked about why the company had made a decision to close its operations just over three years after moving its European headquarters to Dundalk.

The minister said that she was really disappointed about the job losses and described it as a blow.

“The fact that eBay has chose to cease its Dundalk operations completely is very worrying”.

Speaking to RTÉ News, Ms Mitchell O’Connor said she had no inkling that the announcement was coming and said she only got word about it this morning from the IDA and in an email from the vice president of eBay.


“But it is the case that eBay’s employees are highly-skilled and working in the IT sector which is continuing to expand rapidly”.

Jobs Minister Hopeful EBay Staff Will Get Alternative Employment