
Ebola crisis: Liberia’s new outbreak spreads

But on top of that contact tracers are vigorously parading the affected village in search of all that might have in contact with the two confirmed cases.


A second case of Ebola has been confirmed in Liberia, following the death of a teenager from the virus last Sunday.

The chiefs commended Mr. Kollie for being patriotic, urging the government to deploy surveillance teams along the borders with Guinea and Sierra Leone as increased cases continue to be reported from the two neighbors.

According to her, sample of the test was sent out for Ebola testing on receipt of the positive result that came out before instructing the Incident Management System team to conduct a detail investigation in the entire area.

More than 11,200 people have died since a year ago in the worst Ebola outbreak on record, almost all of them in the neighboring countries of Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea.

“The comeback of Ebola in Liberia was not unexpected with the virus still active in the region”, says Peter Graaff, Acting Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations Mission for Ebola Emergency Response (UNMEER). In the new case, the teenage boy was treated for malaria, and was only diagnosed with Ebola after his death.

The new case was reported in Nedowein, the same village where the boy died, reports BBC News.

“At this stage the origin of infection is not known”, according to WHO.

“This might mean that there is a reservoir of Ebola in animals that we have not been paying attention to”, said Dr. Philip Ireland, at John F. Kennedy medical centre in Monrovia, an Ebola survivor.

Now the country’s officials alerted all the people and are working very hard from to prevent the virus from getting spread to new people.

The new cases show that “it’s important, even if a country like Liberia is declared free of Ebola”, that the disease still be considered as a possible illness in people who are sick, Adalja said. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention aided Liberian officials in treating those with the virus in settlements located in the rain forest.

Officials from the Ministry of Health during a press conference said they have made payments to health workers and called on those with concerns to present same to the Ministry.


The latest outbreak comes with the country still recovering from an epidemic which wrecked its health service and economy and left 4,800 Liberians dead.

Ebola resurface in Liberia