
Ed Sheeran offered $2 peep shows – and hardly anyone showed up

Radio larrikins Hamish Blake and Andy Lee tested this theory in Melbourne on Friday, arranging an intimate show with the English performer at one of the city’s seedy King Street establishments.


As part of a prank pulled by Australian comedy duo Hamish and Andy, the “Photograph” singer waited in a booth behind a red curtain as Hamish tried to coax customers to watch the “Ed Sheeran Peep Show”.

“I think one of the big problems is people think Ed Sheeran is a codeword for a new drug”, joked Hamish.

Finally, after two hours of sitting in the peep show booth, Ed got his first customers, who got a private thirty-second concert! We don’t know what these people were thinking, we’d have been straight in there!

“Do you want a peep at Ed Sheeran for two bucks?” he asked a passerby.

Eventually, after two hours and 23 minutes, the first two audience members paid up and headed in to watch – and couldn’t believe their eyes.

If a shady-looking spruiker approached you in the street and told you Ed Sheeran was waiting to perform for you privately for $2, you’d be forgiven if you thought they were lying.

“I think $2 is pretty fair”, he responded.


As he left, he said: ‘Best f****** $2 I’ve ever spent’.

Ed Sheeran offered $2 peep shows – but hardly anyone showed