
Edited video on tissue donation led to Planned Parenthood hack — Daily Dot

Republicans have rallied around secretly recorded videos showing Planned Parenthood officials discussing ways to perform abortions to preserve fetal tissue for research, as well as the costs involved.


Planned Parenthood executive vice president Dawn Laguens said “extremists” had launched an attack on the organization’s systems but did not say whether the hack attempt was successful.

Democrats have defended the organization, which provides various low-cost and free health services to women.

The videos and the ensuing campaign have caused a firestorm based on fabrication, incendiary rhetoric and the hope that Americans won’t seriously question the messenger.

The group alleges Planned Parenthood is profiting from the sale of fetal tissue, a charge Planned Parenthood vociferously denies.

“This isn’t something that should be criticized, this is laudable, that woman and their families choose to make fetal tissue donations in order to potentially save lives of other folks”, Richards said.

“I’m going to try to force a vote on this”.

The proposal comes on the heels of a controversial hidden camera video that a California group shot.

“The Weekly”, a publication by the anti-abortion Southern Baptist Convention, wrote recently that Planned Parenthood’s practices seem “sadly and shockingly legal”, and called for new laws. “That I think is off-putting to a lot of people“.

AUSTIN – Texas’ top policymakers are intensifying their offensive against Planned Parenthood this week.

The new hackers are also vowing to release internal emails circulated among the nonprofit’s staff, the Daily Dot first reported. It does receive $500 million annually in federal aid for medical services. Long-standing U.S. law prohibits any federal funding for abortion. The videos were filmed by anti-abortion group Center for Medical Progress. The center is run by David Daleiden, who previously was associated with the anti-abortion group Live Action. When KXAN reached out to the Center for Medical Progress they did not return our calls. “The fact remains that there is nothing in these videos to suggest any violation of law or improper activity”.

Planned Parenthood Chief Information Officer Tom Subak told the Daily Dot on Sunday night that the organization did not see any suspicious activity. “If they weren’t selling these parts, why would they not meet with someone in an office setting and say, ‘Here is what we do.'”.


The data breach was definitely motivated by political issues, according to the report.

Our state government is taking its cues from the people behind this video