
Eevee evolution achievable through nickname assignment; game finally launched in Japan

The Easter egg comes from the Pokemon anime episode “The Battling Eevee Brothers” which introduced the Eevee evolutions into the show.


You can try to evolve “Pokemon GO” Eevee either into a Jolteon (electric type), Vaporeon (water type) or a Flareon (fire type).

It initially seemed as though Eevee, the only Pokémon that can evolve into three different creatures, was subject to chance when evolving, but it can be pretty easily controlled. If your Pokemon evolves twice, like the starter Pokemon families of Bulbasaur, Charmander and Squirtle, you’ll need 25 candy to evolve it once then 100 candy to do so again.

Two of which included in the guidelines are reminding the players not to use their real names and cautioning them to protect themselves against heatstroke as they go out under the sun looking for Pokemons to capture.

Naming an Eevee in Pokemon Go after one of the brothers will allow you to control your evolution.

(Pokemon Official)Eevee ca evolve to Vaporeon by assigning the captured Pokemon a Rainer nickname.

Interestingly, the new hack uncovered by players is an Easter egg of sorts to the original “Pokemon” anime. Those who want a Jolteon should type “Sparky” while those after a Flareon should type “Pyro”. Some of the initial evolutions include Flareon, Jolteon and Vaporeon.

GameRant suggests making sure that the first letter of the name is capitalized for the hack to work.


From there, players can add how many sweets or units of the same Pokemon they have with a few clicks.

Pokemon GO ain’t done yet future features teased