
Eight years after hope and change, voters are angry, anxious

The poll was also conducted before Trump selected Indiana Governor Mike Pence as his vice-presidential running mate.


These numbers, which are within the poll’s margin of error, come as Clinton is seeing a decrease in support in other surveys too, coming off the revelations made by FBI Director James Comey that she was “extremely careless” in handling classified information while serving as secretary of state.

That’s a 4-point increase from the same poll last month for Johnson.

Both Clinton and Trump hold underwater favorability ratings, but when it comes to the parties, the Democrats hold an edge.

ABC reporter Jonathan Karl said Trump’s bad numbers with being considered not qualified for office would normally be crippling, if not for Clinton’s trust issues. A protest vote for a third-party candidate is simply a luxury you can’t afford in a swing state. She is kicking off the voter drive as Republicans meet in Cleveland to nominate businessman Mr Trump at their national convention. Both anti-establishment candidates also opposed the Iraq War (for which Hillary Clinton voted), as well as condemning the undue influence of Wall Street and other lobbyists on politics. In a four-way match-up that also includes Gary Johnson of the Libertarian Party and Jill Stein of the Green Party, the results are: Clinton 42 per cent, Trump 38 per cent, Johnson 8 per cent and Stein 5 per cent.

Again, that’s from a Democrat-heavy sample, but even a more balanced sample isn’t going to do much about that 28 percent Trump is pulling on the “temperament” question – which is an incredible result considering that his opponent is viewed by nearly everyone as a near-pathological liar. “And the best thing they can do is to register voters”.

“This election actually has me chiming in”, said Andreas, who plans to vote for Clinton. For Clinton, the Pence selection offered clarity on the composition of the Trump ticket and certainty of whom her eventual running mate will meet in a fall debate. Half of all registered voters say they have strongly unfavorable views of Trump, while 47 per cent say they have strongly unfavorable views of Clinton – the highest ever in a Post-ABC poll for her.

But Trump remains more trusted on the two issues atop voters’ priority lists: The economy and terrorism.

Emilie Passow, a 68-year-old Democrat from Bala Cynwyd, Pennsylvania, said her disgust extends beyond the presidential candidates to Congress as well. Seven in 10 Americans (72 percent) said she is.

Trump is competitive but trailing in two midwest states including OH, where Republicans gather starting Monday, trailing Clinton 44% to 40%, having shaved a point off her lead since May.


In 1968, as an idealistic college student, I campaigned door to door for Eugene McCarthy, a progressive US senator and an opponent of the Vietnam War, who was vying for the Democratic presidential nomination. Even among those Republicans who would prefer someone other than Trump as the nominee, 60% oppose those efforts. In the 11-state survey, 54% express dissatisfaction with the Justice Department’s handling of the Clinton emails issue. Still, 53% say they believe he is qualified to serve as president if necessary and 57% say the choice of Pence reflects favorably on Trump’s ability to make important presidential decisions.

Why Trump can win