
Elderly Man Sings Love Song to Dying Wife in Heartbreaking Video

The video of the couple, who have been married for 73 years, has since been viewed more than 3.5 million times, with many thanking Erin for sharing the special moment.


Like a bittersweet scene straight out of “The Notebook”, a video has surfaced on social media of a 92-year-old man singing a love song to his dying wife in her hospital room.

They later performed it as a duet when they renewed their vows on their 50th wedding anniversary.

Lying in the bed, and clearly weak, Laura tells her husband how much she loves him, and that he must “behave”.

The song – “You’ll Never Know” – was the song that comforted her when he went away to fight in World War II, says Erin.

Solari also described her grandparents’ continuing adoration and affection for each other. “My cousin, Serena, who is a physical therapist, helped him to his feet and held him up throughout the entire song”, she wrote.

“Grandpa can not stand on his own, but he immediately pulled his wheelchair close to her bed ready to make it happen”. And even with her failing eyesight, she still manages to look lovingly at Howard. Sadly, Grandma is now too weak to sing, but that doesn’t stop her from saying the words to him (see at 1:00 ). On Sunday, Solari uploaded the clip on YouTube with added subtitles.


Solari said that after she posted the video on Facebook, everyone’s kindness and loving comments “lifted everyone’s spirits… including Grandma’s!” and the hospice told her she could spend her remaining days at home, where she still was residing at the time Solari posted on Facebook yesterday. As for the feedback, all the love and support we’ve gotten, being around my grandmother, I believe it maybe it had a little bit of an impact of her feeling better.

Howard sings a song for his dying wife