
Election Roundtable: Nice Attack, Sanders Endorses Clinton, Trump Makes VP Pick

In light of the attack, Trump postponed an even schedule for Friday morning in which he planned to announce his pick for vice president (he tweeted the announcement instead). That spokesman said the White House expects Obama to speak to his French counterpart sometime soon though no call has been planned.


“What is happening is terrorist groups are seeing that they have opportunities inside France for homegrown terrorism and supporting terrorists”, she said.

“I would, I would”.

“This is war. If you look at it, this is war coming from all different parts”.

Clinton also dismissed Trump’s criticism of the administration’s decision to allow 10,000 Syrian refugees to enter the USA because of the potential of terrorists entering the country by posing as refugees. In the old days, we would have uniforms.

“This is a not a “normal” presidential election and war rooms, made famous by Bill ClintonBill ClintonBill O’Reilly pulls off rare 2016 feat Dems unveil list of headline convention speakers On financial deregulation, GOP repeating history, Democrats need to break from recent past MORE, don’t have the time to fully digest news as they run the risk of getting behind the news”, Witter said.

“We’ve got to do more to understand that this is a war against these terrorist groups, the radical jihadist groups”, she told O’Reilly, a departure from her own previous language and that of President Obama in characterizing the enemy. But, she argued, greater intelligence gathering, not military force, was necessary. “I would be very focused on the intelligence surge”.

O’Reilly then asked Trump if North Atlantic Treaty Organisation troops should be involved in a ground and air war against the terrorists, and Trump said he “would be just fine” with that. Clinton and Obama, however, have largely shied away from using the term, believing that associating terrorists with Islam helps to legitimize their interpretation of the religion. We are squeezing them with consistent air attacks.

“I would not short-circuit the vetting process”, Clinton said. “If we are talking about women, children, orphans who are fleeing horrific violence, that’s a different category than young men or people who have some record that could be ferreted out as some concern”. He ordered United States officials to work with France to “investigate this attack and bring those responsible to justice”.

O’Reilly interrupted, saying he would do two things – call a summit meeting of all Western countries to join the fight against ISIS, and second, attack Raqqa, which is 35 miles from the border of Turkey, a North Atlantic Treaty Organisation ally: “And we’re going to come in, and that’s not going to be their headquarters anymore”.


Other notable political figures stood in solidarity with those affected by the attack. “And Bill, unless we get strong and really strong and very, very smart leadership, it’s only going to get worse”. “Our thoughts and prayers are with the families of those killed and injured, and with all out friends in France”.

Trump postpones running mate announcement after Nice attack