
Electronic Arts Inc Plummets 5% as GameStop Slashes Star Wars Price

Star Wars: Battlefront has been out for a little more than three weeks, and it’s still debated whether it is a success for Electronic Arts or not, but the publisher has released some interesting stats about what the gamers have been doing. It should be a really good tool for them so they can better balance the game, but it’s not clear if they just like to show it off or they are actually doing something with it.


If you are one of those people who didn’t pre-order Star Wars Battlefront, you can now download the free Battle of Jakku DLC via the PlayStation Store, Xbox Live Marketplace or via Origins.

To see the full infographic, head on over to the official Star Wars: Battlefront site.

The Season Pass basically allows the players to purchase all the DLCs for Star Wars Battlefront for a single, cheaper fee.

The biggest – and least surprising – reveal is the game’s most popular Hero… or, in this case, Villain. Princess Leia, Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine, on the other hand, lie in the last place from the list.

According to the infographic, the Rebels have a sizeable advantage in the skies.


“Pulling off such a kill does not require a lot of skill, and most Snowspeeder pilots are probably distracted by enemy TIE Fighter”, Tech Times said. Based from its statistics, it has 43.6 million kills. On top of these vehicles, the AT-ST is now dominating in “Star Wars Battlefront” gameplay. He voices Admiral Ackbar and also Yoda has been added too.

Star Wars Battlefront- Luke v. Vader