
Elizabeth Warren Attacks Donald Trump in Speech

In comments that have been widely condemened, Trump has suggested that U.S. Federal Judge Gonzalo Curiel, who is presiding over a case against Trump University, has an inherent bias because of his heritage.


House Republicans are laying out a national security agenda that seeks to turn the conversation away from Donald Trump’s contentious presidential campaign and toward concrete policies for securing America’s borders and defeating extremist groups.

His late start on fundraising is widely considered a steep structural handicap among top Republican donors, who question whether Trump can achieve his previously stated aim of raising $1 billion before November. “And the expectation that somehow a few of his policies related to natural resource management might somehow make up for his glaring shortfalls in every other aspect of the presidency is unreasonable”.

Many major GOP donors have so far remained on the sidelines, unsure of whether they are willing and ready to support a candidate who has repeatedly courted controversy, including as recently as last week when Trump attached an Indiana-born federal judge as inherently biased against him because of his Mexican heritage.

Contending that the so-called “assault” on the judiciary is composed of two major elements – ending centuries-old processes for appointing judges and attacking judicial nominees, potential nominees and sitting federal judges – Warren took issue with Trump’s recent comments on Curiel. Rep. Chris Collins, a leader among Trump’s supporters in Congress, said they did not ask for assurances that there would not be another Curiel comment because they were confident Trump got the message.

“He fully recognizes that that was not the right thing to say”, Carson said in an interview with Politico, claiming he heard Trump say so during a private meeting this week. “But I do not anticipate voting for her this fall”.

Trump earned just under 71 percent of the Republican primary vote in New Mexico, a slightly smaller portion than Mitt Romney in 2012.

Last year, Martinez took exception to Trump’s assertions that some Mexican immigrants bring drugs and crime and are rapists.

On Thursday, Warren also endorsed former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for president. “He is one of countless American patriots who has spent decades quietly serving his country, sometimes at great risk to his own life”, she said.

“Donald Trump’s ideas aren’t just different, they are dangerously incoherent”.

“We believe that Hillary poses a bigger threat”, he said.


Daudt said he thinks Trump needs to stay disciplined and “connect” with Minnesota voters as the campaign moves forward. Sessions did add that he thinks Trump’s decision to stop commenting on the matter is “probably a good decision”.

Elizabeth Warren Endorses Hillary Clinton