
Elizabeth Warren drops by Hillary Clinton campaign headquarters

The Massachusetts senator visited Clinton campaign headquarters in Brooklyn on Friday morning.


Representatives for Clinton, Sanders and Warren did not immediately reply to requests for comment on the report.

“Don’t screw this up”, Warren said, according to attendees.

The phrase “tough cookie” – not something you often hear male candidates called – isn’t new for describing Clinton.

A senior Clinton adviser downplayed any tea leaf reading about VP prospects, noting that a public meeting at campaign headquarters would be the worst way to keep a secret. If they want to bring her back and have her testify on Benghazi, I welcome them to it. Hillary will put them in short trousers. She also posed for photos, according to social media posts from Clinton campaign aides.

Warren last week met Clinton at the former secretary of State’s home in Washington, D.C., increasing intrigue about her joining the ticket.

This video includes clips from ABC, MSNBC, CBS, Hillary for America and the Office of Elizabeth Warren. She says Trump works to “tear people down”.

Warren is viewed as a possible vice presidential candidate for Clinton.

Choosing the senator as her running mate could help Mrs. Clinton secure the backing of progressives who had flocked to Sen.

Trump responded by labeling Warren “goofy” and dismissing her “nasty mouth”.


“I’m not going to get into vice presidential choices”, Clinton said, “but I have the highest regard for Senator Warren”. But once Clinton won California and New Jersey primaries and racked up enough delegates to clinch the nomination, Warren backed Clinton.

Hillary Clinton's veep: Apparently not Sanders, but maybe Elizabeth Warren