
Elizabeth Warren Has Endorsed Hillary Clinton for President

Elizabeth Warren and Hillary Clinton are set to meet Friday, a day after the MA senator endorsed the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee and called on Democrats to unite behind her.


The endorsement was long expected but is nonetheless a shot in the arm to the Clinton campaign and could end concerns about party unity after a bitter contest, according to AFP. ” Pelley also threw her challenger, Senator Bernie Sanders, a bone commenting, “But Democratic Don Quixote Bernie Sanders is not letting go of his impossible dream”.

Back in February, the majority of registered Democrats in the Granite State voted for Sanders over Clinton in the first-in-the-nation primary of the 2016 presidential race.

Mr Merkley said he supports Mr Sanders’ “big ideas to take on big challenges”, including abolishing the system of “corrupt” campaign finance, tackling climate change and making college affordable. Mrs Clinton will seek Ms Warren’s input, including on Wall Street regulation, the candidate said in a Bloomberg Politics interview on Thursday.

She’s with her! Senator Elizabeth Warren has announced that she is endorsing Hillary Clinton for President of the United States, leaving many to wonder if we will see TWO women on the voting ballots in November!

“These are some of the issues that many millions of Americans have supported during my campaign”, he said.

In an interview with MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow Thursday night, Warren explained her endorsement and why she held off on endorsing during the Democratic primary, calling the work of Sen. I have seen her judgement, I’ve seen her toughness.

I rarely agree with President Obama- however he is 100% correct about Crooked Hillary Clinton.

“Bernie Sanders knows what’s at stake in this election, what’s on the line. They discussed the need for the national conversation to continue to focus on the defining fight of our time”, a Biden spokesman said.


Asked about Trump’s tweet, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said Obama and Clinton have had some differences, but emphasized the respect Obama gained for Clinton while they worked together.

Within two hours her message was retweeted 200,000 times making it'the most retweeted tweet