
Elizabeth Warren Heckled With Chants of ‘We Trusted You!’ During DNC Speech

The eruption came during a speech in which the Vermont senator was cheered for almost every point he made – including his call to defeat GOP nominee Donald Trump.


“Trump thinks he can win votes by fanning the flames of fear and hatred”, Warren said. The campaign also accused Moscow of trying to meddle in the USA election and help Trump, who has said he might not necessarily defend North Atlantic Treaty Organisation allies if they are attacked by Russian Federation.

Several hundred Sanders supporters and other demonstrators converged in the sweltering heat on Broad Street and made their way 4 miles to the convention site as the gathering was being gaveled to order, chanting “Nominate Sanders or lose in November!” and “Hey, hey, ho, ho, the DNC has got to go!” But even after Sanders urged his supporters to back Clinton, some were flashing thumbs-down signals and waving signs that said, “not Hillary, not Trump”.

His supporters were already dismayed last week when Clinton passed over liberal favorites like U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren of MA to select the more moderate U.S. Senator Tim Kaine of Virginia as her vice presidential running mate.

Clinton’s vice presidential running mate, Virginia Sen.

She says if promises are not kept by Clinton in the first 100 days “then civil disobedience will follow”.

“Hillary is our Democratic nominee and I will proudly vote for her”, Silverman told the convention crowd.

Supporters of Bernie Sanders disrupted the first day of the Democratic convention on Monday, repeatedly chanting and booing mentions of Hillary Clinton’s name as the party’s hopes for a show of unity dissolved into frequent chaos.

While Sanders had endorsed Clinton previously, his remarks Monday marked his most vigorous and detailed praise of her qualifications for the presidency.

“People get it”, the MA senator said in her keynote address in Philadelphia that resonated with Bernie Sanders supporters energized by her message of income and political inequality.

“On behalf of everyone at the DNC, we want to offer a deep and honest apology to Senator Sanders, his supporters, and the entire Democratic Party for the inexcusable remarks made over email”.

“Hell no, DNC, we won’t vote for Hillary!”.

“The right thing has happened”, Baria noted “Debbie Wasserman Schultz has agreed to step down”.

“I was very disappointed”, said Davis. “Always have been. But everybody deserves a fair chance and that’s what our parties about”.

The Massachusetts Democrat says in excerpts of a speech she plans to deliver later tonight that the Republican presidential nominee is peddling an old story of “divide and conquer”.

“We have to elect Secretary Clinton, who on every single issue – fighting for the middle class, on health care, on climate change – is a far, far superior candidate to Trump”, Sanders said on Meet the Press.

Clinton told him. ‘I think if you look at my public service – I have been as straightforward and honest as I could be.

Sidell, who considers himself a staunch Democrat, said it doesn’t make sense to him to support Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson or Green party candidate Jill Stein.

Some of Sanders’ strongest supporters were not ready to give up the fight against Clinton.

LaCivita said the Democrats “have a lot more than the 50 troublemakers we had”. “A government based on the principles of economic, social, racial and environmental justice”.

“And that’s why, ladies and gentlemen, that’s why ours, ours, is a party of unity and not division”.

“He’s like a Moses”, she said. Bernie Sanders’ endorsement of Hillary Clinton.

Boulger’s words came as the Democratic convention kicked off its first day in Philadelphia.

Wasserman Schultz’s supporters, some of them clad in her re-election campaign T-shirts, tried unsuccessfully to drown out the naysayers. “The answer is, I will, and that will start after the convention”, he told USA TODAY on July 14.

While Sanders supporters were vocal inside the Wells Fargo Center, others demonstrated outside, as part of an “Occupy DNC Convention” protest.

Palacio, a super delegate, said the proposed reforms to the nominating system are important.


The Democratic National Committee is offering its “deep and honest apology” to Bernie Sanders, his supporters and the entire party for what it calls “the inexcusable remarks made over email”.

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