
Elizabeth Warren to Campaign With Clinton

– Clinton said if elected president, “I’m going to make sure you hear, ‘You’re hired!” “That’s why we’re asking Bernie Sanders voters to join our movement so together we can fix the system for all Americans”.


“When she raises this money, every time she raises money she’s making deals”, Trump said. When asked about how Donald Trump has tried enticing his supporters to come his way, Sanders emphasized that he is determined to stop the mogul from becoming president no matter what happens to him.

Democrats, including House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi of California and Rep. James E. Clyburn of SC nudged Sanders earlier on Wednesday to endorse Clinton.

Clinton also went after Trump for remarks in which he accused her of being “a world class liar” who personally profited from her tenure at the State Department.

Sanders continued to campaign through the final primary election – which was held in Washington, D.C., last week – despite Clinton clinching the needed number of pledged delegates the prior week.

Clinton’s and Sanders’ campaigns are discussing ways of addressing key economic issues in the Democratic platform which will be approved at the Philadelphia convention, including trade, providing free college tuition and cutting student debt and expanding Medicare and Social Security.

Sanders has still not suspended his campaign and it remained unclear whether he would drop out of the race before the convention, where he still hopes to speak. He said he was optimistic that the party can easily mend fences ahead of the convention.

“I love my candidate for president”, said Representative Joe Crowley. Sanders praised the intelligence of the former First Lady but stressed that “there are areas where we have strong disagreements”.

Mrs Clinton used her speech to take on Donald Trump who will likely contest the presidency with her after he became the presumptive Republican candidate.

South Carolina Rep. Jim Clyburn added: “He absolutely a stand-up kind of guy. I have seen her judgement, I have seen her toughness up close”. “The Democrats on the committee are pretty progressive”.

Sanders’ comments followed a question about whether or not he would be speaking at the DNC next month. In other words, for these pols, campaigning for Clinton this year has essentially been a VP audition.

Clinton did not directly address the role Wasserman Schultz will play at the convention after Clinton named Brandon Davis as the new DNC chief of staff, according to several members. Of them, two have said they plan to support Sanders, one Clinton, and one is publicly uncommitted.


“We felt like family”, Becerra said. For Clinton’s sake, however, one hopes she can avoid a miscalculation of that magnitude.

Elizabeth Warren