
Elizabeth Warren to Campaign with Hillary Clinton in Battleground State

He said: “I want to congratulate Hillary Clinton on making history”. But I fear in an election characterized by the forces of remedy and resentment, the Democrats have committed suicide by running on the status quo. “I’d love to be a fly on the wall on July 7th and see what affection they have for their candidate”.


“Think about it. He’s going after me personally because he has no answers on the substance”, Clinton told supporters at the North Carolina State Fairgrounds in Raleigh.

This could bode well for several Democrats, who aides say Clinton enjoyed campaigning with this year, including Kaine, Perez, Castro and Sen.

In the wide ranging interview, Sanders also said if he were to return to his Senate job in the fall, he would seek the chairmanship of the Health, Education, Labor and Pension (HELP) committee, if the Democrats were to take back the Senate. Sanders appears to be focusing on how he and his supporters can change the Democratic platform at the convention.

Other potential contenders, including Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren, Virginia Senator Tim Kaine and Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julian Castro, have been informed that Mrs Clinton has begun eyeing them for the role. Sanders praised the intelligence of the former First Lady but stressed that “there are areas where we have strong disagreements”.

Democrats Hillary Clinton and Sen.

Clinton returns to OH less than a week after her speech Tuesday in Columbus, in which she criticized presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump’s business record and economic policies. Who knows, maybe Clinton will pick an unknown for her ticket, much like John McCain did in 2008 when he called up Sarah Palin. Hillary on the other hand, really only had one competitor and he has yet to throw his weight behind the former secretary of state.

He says, “together, we can fix the system for all Americans”. This includes fixing all of our many disastrous trade deals, and they are disastrous and destroying our country. “Because it’s not just the political system that’s rigged, it’s the whole economy”. Kasich has yet to endorse Trump’s candidacy. “Two words: Donald Trump”, she said.

“I’d be OK voting for Johnson as a protest vote”, said Eric Brooks, a community organizer in San Francisco. (Warren’s Senate seat would be filled relatively quickly by a special election.) Minority Leader Harry Reid has warned that such a pick could weaken the Democratic Party in the Senate.


Sen. Sherrod Brown (Ohio), one of the few vice presidential prospects from a swing state, was similarly quiet about the rumors.

Clinton narrows her shortlist for VP