
Ellen Page confronts GOP candidate Ted Cruz on gay rights

Ted Cruz has recently taken to commending Republican presidential rival Donald Trump for getting the media to finally pay attention to the problem of illegal immigration.


The event lasted three hours, and few in the crowd left before it ended.

Cruz placed an extra emphasis on branding at the event, handing out pocket Constitutions, miniature American flag, bracelets reading “Marriage = 1 man + 1 woman” and even Cruz-themed coloring books for children.

Cards and pens were placed on the seat of every chair to sign up attendees to commit to caucus for Cruz, a vital step in campaign organizing here in Iowa.

Ted Cruz at the Iowa State Fair on Friday over the potential impact of religious freedom legislation on the LGBT community. “There needs to be more tolerance for LGBTI people, who have constantly been persecuted in this country. There is a war on faith in America today”.

Audience members frequently murmured “Amen” as Cruz spoke.

The rally, bookended by performances by Christian music acts, spotlighted several people who dealt with the consequences of speaking out about their religious beliefs.

Cruz said later that he did not recognize Page. He was joined on stage by Dick and Betty Odgaard, owners of a wedding chapel business in Grimes, Iowa that was forced to close due to the legal and financial repercussions of their decision not to make their chapel available for a gay wedding.

“Then we’re agreed”, Cruz said before turning away. Cruz used his Facebook account to say he was sorry, noting that “it was a mistake to use an old joke about Joe Biden during his time of grief, and I sincerely apologize”.

Echoing the nation’s founders, English asserted that “our rights come from God, not the government”.

At one point, Cruz was interrupted by a small group of immigration protestors holding a sign that read, “CITIZENSHIP NOW”. “I’m going to focus on the pork right now”, he said.


“Now, I’m happy to answer your question, but not to have a back-and-forth debate“, he said. “Tonight, we’re focusing on religious liberty”. Cruz’s team is known for viewing the GOP primary electorate as a system of brackets, including one made up of the evangelical voters for whom the rally was tailored. Asked later Friday if he had any plans to tour the border with Trump, Cruz turned his attention back to the slab of meat sizzling in front of him. Cruz faces competition for the evangelical vote from Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum, and Scott Walker.

Sen Ted Cruz took to the'soapbox at the Iowa State Fair