
Ellmers Goes Down, Holding Heads To November

Tuesday’s primary in the 2nd District between Republicans Renee Ellmers of Dunn and George Holding of Raleigh marks the first time two sitting members of Congress have run against each other since 2012.


While Ellmers first won her seat during a Tea Party takeover of the House, she had been hit hard by conservative groups leading up to North Carolina’s primary. The Koch-backed Americans for Prosperity and the Club for Growth each contributed six-figure amounts to the anti-Ellmers effort, citing the congresswoman’s willingness to compromise on spending legislation and her vote to reauthorize the Export-Import Bank as proof that her conservatism didn’t extend to her votes on major issues.

Ellmers unveiled over the weekend her endorsement by presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.

Holding nonetheless edged out Ellmers in fundraising, according to Federal Election Commission records through mid-May.

Holding crushed Ellmers, earning 53% of the vote to her 24%, edging out a third candidate, Greg Brannon at 23%.

All precinct polling places in Wilkes County will be open from 6:30 7:30 p.m. Tuesday for a special primary election in this year’s congressional races and for one seat on the N.C. Supreme Court.

Holding defended his position saying “if members of Congress want to know what is going on, do not trust the Obama administration or the Secretary of State to tell you what’s going on”.

Sandrock said she wasn’t surprised by Ellmers’ comments.

And yet Donald Trump still endorsed the woman who betrayed conservatives, saying she was “terrific and boy, is she a fighter”.

Ellmers and other GOP women and some moderate members had objected to a provision in the bill that would have required women seeking a rape or incest exemption to have reported those rapes to the authorities. Holding and Ellmers ended up facing off because of redistricting.

Some of the most conservative groups are backing him.

As Ellmers herself walked from her own auto to the polling place, CBS affiliate WNCN heard her say to Maggie Sandrock, “You’re eating a little too much pork barbecue”. You can not vote on emotion.

In the 2nd Congressional District, incumbent Republican lawmakers Renee Ellmers and George Holding faced off for the nomination. She points out she still has a flawless record with the National Right to Life, though they and the Susan B. Anthony List are now opposing her.

“With all of the negative ads and everything that were running against me from the special interest groups, just his voice alone coming over their telephone was enough for them to go out and vote for us”, she said.


Turnout will likely be low statewide if early-voting totals are any indication, although there may be spikes in competitive congressional districts. “Most incumbents have a pretty good arsenal behind them”. It was the only congressional primary between incumbents this year, thanks to a redrawn North Carolina congressional map.

Rep. Renee Ellmers