
Elton John: Vladimir Putin Says ‘Stupid Things’ About Gay People

Putin also reiterated his call for Ukraine to implement other elements of February’s peace deal, including that Kiev hold direct talks with rebel representatives, and implements laws on amnesty for the rebels and on an autonomous status for the rebel regions.


He has trapped tigers, chased polar bears and shot whales.

Sir Elton John has suggested a meeting between himself and Russian president Vladimir Putin to discuss the latter’s gay rights record, though admits that he’d be unlikely to change the politician’s views.

John made the comments while in Ukraine, where he has been speaking to President Petro Poroshenko and various business leaders about LGBT rights, asking for improvements in that country too.

“I think it is a brilliant result”, Interfax quoted him as saying at the commission’s information center. Putin]”, said John. “It’s probably pie in the sky … [I’d say] be accepting, let’s all pull together to solve the problems of the world – but don’t isolate and don’t be prejudiced against gay people‘.

Russia also passed a law banning homosexual “propaganda” among children in June 2013, sparking an international outcry.

Parnas, or the People’s Freedom Party, co-founded by political reformer Boris Nemtsov, who was shot dead near the Kremlin in February, says its exit polls show it won enough of the vote (6 percent) to give its candidate Ilya Yashin a regional parliament seat.

It has been reported by ABC that in August this year, Roy Jones Jr. asked Vladimir Putin to grant him citizenship when the boxer and the Russian president met over tea in Crimea. Ban discrimination in the workplace based on sexuality and gender identity. 2.

“Even if we get past the (5 percent) barrier in Kostroma region, we need to get the ballots properly counted”, he said on his website.

Elton John has always been a high profile critic of Russia’s tragic erosion of gay rights.


An eloquent lawyer who has denounced the ruling United Russian Federation party as full of “swindlers and thieves”, Navalny has fearlessly exposed the hidden wealth of government officials, most recently the $620,000 (554,000 euro) watch owned by Putin’s spokesman.

President Putin