
Emanuel speaks out about city attorney who quit after judge’s rebuke

Two Chicago police officers testified they had pulled the victim over after hearing a radio call about an Oldsmobile involved in a shooting that matched the description of the auto Pinex was driving.


(Brian Jackson/Chicago Sun-Times via AP). It was more like 1,000, city officials said.

The city of Chicago has begun paying out $5.5 million in reparations to victims of police torture during the 1970s and 1980s, Mayor Rahm Emanuel said Tuesday.

More than 100 men have accused Burge and officers under his command of shocking, suffocating and beating them into giving false confessions.

The newspaper reports the months-long claims process included vetting by an arbitrator and by a professor at the Illinois Institute of Technology’s Kent School of Law.

A top city of Chicago lawyer stepped down after a federal judge accused him of hiding evidence in a fatal police shooting, the latest allegation of wrongdoing amid ongoing scrutiny of how the city deals with such cases.

A city law department spokesman said he did not have a way to leave a message for Marsh seeking comment. But U.S. District Judge Edmond Chang ruled on Monday that the trial was “unfair” because attorney Jordan Marsh covered up evidence that contradicted the cops’ accounts of the shooting.

The city law department announced Marsh’s resignation later Monday, saying it “does not tolerate any action that would call into question the integrity of the lawyers who serve” Chicago.

But Chang also had criticism for the department as a whole in his ruling, including about its record keeping. The department also said it is reviewing procedures used for training and evidence-gathering.

Recommended: Can you pass the written police officer exam? .

On Dec. 27, police fatally shot 55-year-old Bettie Jones, who authorities said was killed accidentally, and 19-year-old Quintonio LeGrier, who police said was being “combative”.

To date, Chicago has paid more than $100 million in “court ordered judgments, settlements of lawsuits and legal fees” related to the torture scandal, according to the Sun-Times.

The current firestorm around Emanuel stems from the mayor’s efforts to suppress the video of Laquan’s death, which clearly shows a white police officer shooting the teenager 16 times including multiple shots fired after the young man was already on the ground. The officers alleged Pinex ignored their orders and gunned his auto in reverse, throwing passenger Matthew Colyer out of the vehicle and nearly running Mosqueda over.

“The attention, the focus, the fact that the federal government is coming in to investigate the city and the police department”, he told ABC7.

Sharon Fairley is acting head of the Independent Police Review Authority.

After joining Emanuel at an unrelated news conference at a CTA bus garage, U.S. Rep. Danny Davis, D-Ill., predicted that the Law Department would rightfully get swept up into the Justice Department’s investigation.


Given the harsh language used in Chang’s ruling, Emanuel was asked whether the Law Department was part of the “code of silence” that the mayor has openly acknowledged exists in the Chicago Police Department.

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