
Embattled DNC Chief Debbie Wasserman Schultz Won’t Speak at Convention

The storm felled the party’s leader, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who was booed by members of her own Florida delegation Monday morning in the wake of the email disclosure and ultimately shelved plans to fearless the convention hall Monday night.


Bernie Sanders says that Wasserman Schultz’s departure from the Democratic National Committee will “open the doors of the party to people who want real change”.

Washington/Philadelphia: The Federal Bureau of Investigation is investigating the nature and scope of a cyber intrusion at the Democratic National Committee, the agency said on Monday, amid concerns hackers working for Russian Federation are attempting to use the breach to influence the U.S. presidential election.

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz had an abysmal weekend, and Monday morning started out no better for her.

In Philadelphia, supporters of Bernie Sanders were not hard to find, and when he addressed his delegates Monday, the Vermont senator was not about to let the resignation of the Democratic Party chairwoman go without a few words.

After initial chants of “Debbie, Debbie” from her home-state loyalists, Wasserman Schultz was met with a chorus of boos from pro-Sanders activists crashing the party, who waved “e-mails” signs attacking not just the chairwoman but seemingly taking a shot at Hillary Clinton as well. Bernie Sanders politically during the primaries.

Schultz, who, in her day job, is a congresswoman from Florida, has been less than popular in the party for quite some time.

“I think that Florida is so important as the biggest swing state in the country. that I don’t think it will ever be characterized as anything other than a superstate for American politics”, Graham said.

Morelli wants to see people fired in the wake of the DNC email leaks, and she wants Clinton to apologize for the actions of people she calls her longtime friends.

At a meeting of the DNC credentials committee Sunday, comments praising Wasserman Schultz were met with laughter by some Sanders supporters. She’s set to step down from the party job after the convention. And if so, will she be booed, even if she’s only present for a brief three minute speech? “She has to prove that she has walked the talk”, said Eric Reynolds, a Sanders delegate from Contra Costa County in California. Her own supporters yelled back, standing on chairs and waving T-shirts bearing her name. “We’re making friends on the ground every day”.

But after her remarks, when she stepped out of the room to chat with reporters, delegate Caleb Humphrey of Madrid broke into the conversation. When Sanders took the stage as the night’s final speaker, he acknowledged that many of his supporters were disappointed.

Debbie Schultz was the first woman nominated by a sitting president as Chair of the Democratic National Committee.

But Sanders also was heckled and booed when he said voting for Clinton is key to defeating Donald Trump.

At least one national opinion poll showed Trump benefiting from a convention “bump” and pulling just ahead of Clinton, having lagged her for months.

The DNC is fertile fundraising ground this week for one Florida congressional candidate, but not in the traditional sense of high-priced donor dinners or lobbyist happy hours.

Rep. Adam Schiff, who is the top Democrat on the House intelligence committee, went much further, claiming that Trump was Russia’s preferred candidate because of his warm words about Putin and the doubts he has cast on the utility of North Atlantic Treaty Organisation.


“I am exhausted of choosing the lesser of two evils”, she said.

Die-hard Sanders backers divided on backing Clinton