
EOS Lip Balm Sued

Rachel Cronin has filed a class action lawsuit against the company, claiming that use of the product has caused burning, blistering, bleeding and rashes within hours after application.


They can be bought for as little as $3.29 and include varities such as vanilla mint, strawberry sorbet and summer fruit.

Rachael Cronin filed the lawsuit and claims her experience with the lip balm was a disaster.

“The suit says that “(Ms. Cronin’s) lips became substantially dry and coarse, what Ms. Cronin describes as feeling like ‘sandpaper, ‘ causing her to apply more of the balm on her lip to achieve the results of becoming ‘sensationally smooth'”.

The widely popular lip balm touted by the likes of Miley Cyrus, Kim Kardashian and of course, Britney Spears, is being sued by a bunch of customers who say they used the product and ended up a bloody mess, TMZ reports.

According to court documents, after using the product and having the adverse reaction, she posted pictures of the rash that formed around her mouth on Facebook to warn others about potential side effects.

Internet complaints about the lip balm aren’t new.

In the lawsuit, Cronin is seeking damages and is demanding corrective advertising.

“The message EOS is trying to mislead consumers about is clear: EOS lip-balm is a daily necessity requiring constant use regardless of the actual condition of your lips to improve your health, diet, and appearance”, the suit states.


However, EOS lip balm have hit back, reassuring their loyal customers that their health is their number one priority. After she reapplied it to soothe her skin, her lips began to crack, flake and bleed. An EOS representative suggested that to prevent mold, the product should avoid contact with water, similar to a Gremlin.

Miley Cyrus endorses the lip balm