
Eric Trump leads morning-after attacks on ‘classless’ Ted Cruz

He said it was “dismaying” that Trump supporters booed him from the floor when he encouraged Republicans to “vote their conscience” in November.


According to CNN, Cruz didn’t back down at a raucous appearance Thursday morning, telling members of the Texas delegation in Cleveland: “I am not in the habit of supporting people who attack my wife and attack my father”.

Texas’ delegation to the Republican national convention was among the more resistant to nominee Donald Trump. After pledging to support whoever is emerged as the Republican nominee, many GOP loyalist see Cruz as a hypocrite for his stance on Trump. “And that pledge was not a blanket commitment that if you [attack] Heidi I’m going to nonetheless go like a servile puppy dog”.

Many prominent Republicans have continued to refuse to back Trump, who will accept the nomination on Thursday, exposing persisting fissures in the party even at the convention.

Then, matching a campaign promise by presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, she vowed her father would “fight for equal pay for equal work and I will fight for this too, right alongside him”.

Cruz delegate Stan Kapp, 52, said he heard everything he needed from Trump.

“Heidi is a good person”, Trump said, adding that the senator “has good intellect, but doesn’t know how to use it”.

Balloons fall as Donald Trump rises.

He said: “I have joined the political arena so that the powerful can no longer beat up on people that cannot defend themselves”.

Which leaves the stakes for Trump’s speech extremely high. “I will note, sir, that you might have a similar view if someone were attacking your wife”.

Delegates to the convention said they expect Mrs. Trump to get a warm reception.

“I think what he has to do is lay out the argument of how he differs from Hillary Clinton on the economic issues and the national security issues”, said Rep. Andy Harris of Baltimore County.

In prepared remarks sent to the media before he took to the stage, he paints a picture of a country falling apart and on the decline.


“He needs to do one thing and one thing only in Cleveland, and that’s make a really good acceptance speech and a persuasive acceptance speech”, said Charlie Black, a longtime Republican strategist who has worked on multiple conventions and supported Ohio Governor John Kasich in primary campaign. If “email server” is last word, “we’re going to lose”. So, once again Trump fielded a question in which he got asked if, when he descended the Trump Tower escalator about a year ago to announce his candidacy, he thought, in his wildest dream, he would be standing on the stage this week as the party’s nominee.

Cruz Addresses Angry Texas Delegation After His Now-Infamous RNC Speech, Still Won't Endorse Trump