
Ethical hacker talks photo privacy following incident at Cañon City High School

But, the newspaper asked, would he have to serve hundreds of high school students with felony convictions?


It has come to the attention of the Cañon City School District that a number of our students have engaged in behavior where they take and pass along pictures of themselves that expose private parts of their bodies or their undergarments“, a Thursday statement from the school district said.

Superintendent George Welsh says the students involved will face consequences.

On Wednesday, the district said several Cañon City High football players have been connected to the alleged activity and canceled this weekend’s football game. As a result, administrators decided the team will forfeit its final game of the season.

“Because we can’t guarantee that every kid we put out on the field would be clean of this circumstance, we’d just rather not put a team out at all”.

We’re learning that a scandal at Cañon City High School, in which students shared explicit photos of themselves, may have involved hundreds of people, and might have been going on for years.

A tip into the school’s Safe To Tell program launched the investigation on Monday.

The school district says the investigation involves photos of hundreds of students, a few as young as middle school. Formal charges will be determined by the DA’s office.

“I think it’s important that parents and students understand that the mere possession of these materials does constitute an ongoing crime”, said District Attorney Thom LeDeux.


Most importantly, the Canon City School District recognizes the need to formally address the 21st Century skill that all citizens use technology in a legal and ethical fashion.

Cañon City High School