
EU Commission: Third bailout deal with Greece possible before August 20

“The Greek government has worked very constructively, and has made a 180 degree change”, SPD budget expert Carsten Schneider told television station n-tv, saying he would vote “yes” in Wednesday’s vote in the Bundestag lower house of parliament.


Defeat would trigger national elections as early as September.

It is the first privatization announced since eurozone ministers approved on Friday a massive new bailout for debt-laden Greece.

Q: When will the vote of confidence take place?

Numerous airports, however, are decades old and undersized to handle the demand, a fact not lost on Greek tourist operators who have long demanded an upgrade of facilities.

“The government has signed the third and most onerous bailout“.

Doubts remain about the Syriza government’s commitment to the bailout conditions, because it previously pledged to oppose austerity. That indicates he’s still undecided whether an early vote of confidence is the best strategy to proceed, according to Dimitris Sotiropoulos, an associate professor of political science at the University of Athens.

Backing for the bailout in Wed’s vote seems certain.

“I would say the elections are necessary”, Skourletis said.

Greeks can now also open new bank accounts that will have no withdrawal rights, in order to repay loans, social security contributions or tax debts. “That is why Merkel would like to keep the International Monetary Fund on board”, said Berenberg Bank economist Holger Schmieding. “People don’t forget that the previous governments and opposition parties brought the country to this situation”.

The German Parliament has to vote on all new rescue packages and main amendments to present ones, and in an identical ballot final month lawmakers voted 439-119, with 40 abstentions, to offer the federal government a mandate for talks with Greece that led to Friday’s proposal.

Fitch said the bailout agreement has reduced the risk of Greece defaulting to its private sector creditors.

“If Greece does everything that we have agreed, then this programme is designed over the next three years to bring Greece back onto a sustainable path”, he said.

Q: So, can Tsipras win the vote? Some of these have already been passed.

“At most, there’s restricted room for enchancment when it comes to the maturities for loans or the quantity of curiosity charged”, senior Finance Ministry official Jens Spahn informed the dpa information company.

Q: What if he loses the vote of confidence?

Many Syriza MPs believe Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras allowed the eurozone lenders to dictate unacceptable terms to Greece, violating the country’s sovereignty.

Tsipras is reportedly considering how to ensure that bailout progress will not be impeded by political developments.

Q: Will elections strengthen Tsipras’ position? Tsipras had to rely on opposition support to get the bailout deal though parliament.

Tuesday’s vote was largely symbolic because Mr Rajoy’s Popular Party holds an absolute majority in parliament.


Any fears that the government’s Greek politics might affect Merkel’s chancellorship, however, were brushed aside by the rebel MP Willsch.

Tsipras had to rely on opposition groups including PASOK to win a parliamentary majority on Friday in favour of the 86 billion euro bailout programme