
European Union leaders urge United Kingdom to start formal request

He was met with boos and turned backs from fellow MEPs as he addressed the Parliament.


Their regret was increased over the weekend when prominent advocates for abandoning the European Union walked back from some of their claims, with Independence Party leader Nigel Farage saying the “Leave” campaign made a “mistake” by promising or implying that the money Great Britain had been sending to the European Union will go to the National Health Service.

He says the next Prime Minister should be allowed to “negotiate a deal” with Brussels that the public can have a say on through a second referendum or a general election.

He went on: ‘That’s the last time you are applauding here. and to some extent I’m really surprised you are here. “Why are you here?”

UK Prime Minister David Cameron, who resigned on Friday after Britain voted 52% – 48% to leave the European Union, was in Brussels on Tuesday for a meeting with other leaders of the bloc’s member states to discuss the political ramifications of the decision. German Chancellor Angela Merkel pledged to use “all her strength” to prevent the European Union from drifting apart. High on the agenda will be discussions about when the United Kingdom would officially notify its intention to leave, which would kick-start years of negotiations. “There is a certain that we don’t have a period of uncertainty, with financial consequences, political consequences”, French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault said at a meeting in Berlin of the EU’s six founding nations.

Cameron says he will stay on until October as a caretaker and that his successor should trigger the formal process of leaving the EU.

But Prime Minister David Cameron – who announced his plan to resign in the wake of the shock referendum vote – has insisted Britain will not pull the trigger until his successor is in place in September. In any case I will ask the Prime Minister to clarify the situation as soon as possible.

Sources told Reuters on Monday Italy was preparing to protect its banks from a destabilizing share sell-off following the Brexit vote and that Prime Minister Matteo Renzi would ask for more flexibility from the European Union regarding public spending. The EU’s entry door is Article 49, but that’s another story. “This is the problem, in my view, about this campaign”. Earlier, he said that the vote would not change Washington’s “unbreakable bond” with Britain. There will be real damage to European markets if a “sensible agreement” were not reached, he said. -European Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) was unlikely for years now without Britain at the table, which could open an opportunity for a separate deal with the UK.

Firms have announced hiring freezes and possible job cuts, dashing voters’ hopes the economy would thrive outside the EU.

“The people have spoken – we are going to be leaving the EU”. As many as 150 of Labour’s 229 MPs could vote to dethrone him, the right-leaning Daily Telegraph reports.

Critics within his own party blame Corbyn for failing to do enough to persuade Labour supporters to vote “remain” in the referendum.

Vote Leave campaign leader, Boris Johnson, leaves his home in London, Britain, June 27, 2016. There is little idea of when, or even if, the country will formally declare it is quitting.

Schultz said that US-UK economic ties “remain strong and vibrant as they have been, and the special relationship had not suffered because of the vote”.

Leaders are now trying to allay fears that Britain may be heading for recession and are trying to boost confidence in its markets and currency to avoid an economic meltdown. And in the meantime, the U.K.’s credit rating was downgraded by Standard and Poor’s and Fitch on Monday, one of many signals of rising concern over the U.K.’s outlook.

Mr. Juncker described Mr. Cameron as “still a friend despite the vote”. “I would like to get started immediately”, he said. It’s not clear what will happen in the markets on Monday, the next trading day. On Friday alone about $2.8 trillion was wiped off the value of world stocks, the biggest daily loss ever.


European bank shares had their worst two-day fall on record and world stocks as measured by MSCI index saw their worst two-day fall since the collapse of US investment bank Lehman Brothers during the 2008 financial crisis.

GOING IT ALONE... Britons last Thursday voted to leave the European Union citing sovereignty issues but a closer examination suggests the the exit vote was driven by anti-immigrant sentiments