
European Union referendum 2016: What CAN you do at the polling station?

Voters can find the location of their polling station on their poll card.


The Commission also found that the most popular time for voting was between 5pm and 8pm with 19% of respondents planning to vote at this time, while a further 29% planned to vote before mid-day.

Thirty million voters have gone to the polls – some of them wading through floodwater to get there – to deliver their verdict on whether Britain should tear up its European Union membership after 43 years.

POLLING STATIONS across the United Kingdom opened this morning for the country’s in/out European Union referendum following an intense and closely fought campaign.

Read and bring their poll card which should have come through the door.

POLLING stations across the country have been “brisk and busy”, an official from the Electoral Commission has said with counting set to begin with polls closed across the country.

You will need to tell polling staff your name and address.

You have from 7am until 10pm on 23 June. Clearly put a cross in the box so it is clear which way you are voting.

The law doesn’t permit you to communicate “information obtained in a polling station”, which could include how someone has voted or is about to vote. Voters who can be flexible, may want to avoid the peak times.


Voters who have misplaced their poll card are reminded that they do not need it to be able to vote, but that they can check where their polling station is online at or by calling the helpline.

EU referendum: Where is my South West Wales polling station and what time does it open?