
Even Breitbart Says Trump is ‘Confused’ About Cheering New Jersey Muslims He

His latest Trumpism has particularly caught the attention of New Jerseyans – a claim that he witnessed “thousands and thousands” of people in Jersey City cheering as the World Trade Center tumbled down on 9/11.


Jim Sues, executive director of the council’s chapter in New Jersey, said he’d like to see the original news reports on the “thousands” of Jersey City celebrants that Trump mentioned.

Trump, speaking at a rally in Columbus, OH said he has received “hundreds” of phone calls and tweets from people who claim to have seen the celebrations after the 9/11 attacks.

Then, Sunday, Trump repeated the claim in an interview with George Stephanopoulos on ABC’s “This Week” – when Stephanopoulos told Trump that police had refuted similar rumors at the time. One of the most moving shows of support came from Rabbi Joshua Stanton, a man who says he tries to avoid politics, but still felt compelled to pen a touching article titled, “Register Me, Too, Mr. Trump”. “It was on television”.

For years, rumours have circulated on the internet alleging that US Muslims in the city of Paterson in New Jersey cheered the attacks. I can tell you personally, having been in NY on 9/11, that I was told at one point that day that planes had hit Camp David as well.

There is no evidence of large-scale celebrations in New Jersey in the wake of the attacks. A few degenerates celebrating on a rooftop and a fifth column of thousands of Al Qaeda fans cheering in the open is a big, big difference in terms of national security.

During his rally Saturday deep in the heart of Dixie, Trump told the crowd of thousands in no uncertain terms what Muslims could expect if he leads our nation.

Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop quickly disputed Trump’s tale. Others who live in Jersey City are reacting as well.

‘Trump needs to understand that Jersey City will not be part of his hate campaign, ‘ said Fulop. “I think I would have known if it happened”.

As Trump gets more and more visibly exhausted and out-of-it on the campaign trail, the claims he’s making are getting wilder.

STEPHANOPOULOS: As I said, the police have said it didn’t happen.

Nevertheless, Trump comes in second when GOP voters are asked who is most honest and trustworthy, according to the same ABC-Post poll. “But I don’t remember that, no”.

Saturday night in Birmingham, Ala., Trump’s seen arguing for surveillance of “certain mosques” and saying he would “absolutely take” a database of Syrian refugees coming into America “if we can’t stop it, but we’re going to”.


Even the Anti Defamation League (ADL) swiftly condemned Trump, telling BuzzFeed that Trump is “giving new life to long-debunked conspiracy theories about 9/11”.

Donald Trump November 19 2015