
Events in honor of Memorial Day

The annual Memorial Day parade sponsored by the Hugo A. Simonelli Post 3263 of the Veterans of Foreign Wars has not yet officially called things off.


The parade will step off at 6 p.m. from Broad and Burritt streets today, continuing for 2.2 miles before ending in front of the New Britain courthouse at Franklin Square.

To help commemorate the anniversary, the Kuwaiti embassy will be providing a float, and several allied nations involved in the Gulf War will have their flag bearers march in the parade as well. The day’s events kicks off at 11 a.m.

The St. Albans Parade, which begins at BFA High School at 11:00 a.m. Scott Stump, Gulf War veteran and CEO of the National Desert Storm Memorial Association, helped coordinate the global involvement in the parade.

There’s a service in Randolph at the site of a Memorial plaque erected in 1991 on the property of Mat Boyce.

City Hall will be closed for Memorial Day, but other city services will be available. It was made an official holiday in 1971, celebrated the last Monday in May.


“They’re seeing that people are actually taking care of the men and women who served and died in the line of duty or just passed away since they got out”, said Jim Alton, who served in Iraq with the U.S. Marine Corps.
