
Everything You Need To Know About That HUGE Jon Snow Reveal

It was a bombshell moment that hard-core “Game of Thrones” fans had been clamoring for all season, primarily because it supports the popular fan theory known as “R+L=J”. And if you’re wondering, “What did Lyanna Stark say to Ned Stark?” don’t worry because there are no cryptic mysteries here. The true story of Jon Snow’s origin was unveiled, and the scene was better than we could have ever imagined.


“If Robert finds out he’ll kill him, you know he will”.

At least one Stark has to die each season, and this season it was Rickon.

The war lasted almost a year, giving Lyanna enough time to experience a full-term pregnancy.

Bran returns to the Tower of Joy right where he left off. On her deathbed from complications during childbirth, Lyanna whispers something to Ned that led to the big revelation: Jon Snow was in fact Lyanna’s son and his father is Rhaegar Targaryen, the older brother of Daenerys, who never met her brother (he died before her birth). Earlier in the season, we saw him face off against Rhaegar’s men, who we now know were guarding Rhaegar’s child and Lyanna. “Jon doesn’t acknowledge everything his sister has done for him, after all that they’ve been through”. But praise be. Jon Targaryen.

“Interesting. Littlefinger fanned the flames with his speech to Sansa about wanting to sit on the Iron Throne, with Sansa by his side”.

One eagle-eyed fan, Imgur user voicesinmyhead, noticed something odd when Jon Snow was jumping on his horse to rush to his brother Rickon’s rescue. Besides that, now the throne belongs to the Baratheon line, so Jon’s Targaryen blood would not give him access.

Were the Targaryens to be restored and Jon to be legitimized, he would technically come before Daenyres in the laws of succession. Now that there’s one more Targaryen in the world, there’s a chance Jon may hop on a dragon and roast some White Walkers.


“We see the second ‘King in the North!’ scene with Jon and I think it was important to us that it evoked in that first ‘King in the North!’ scene”. It’s as if the Vikings literally had to chase the Patriots out of US Bank Stadium to win the game.

The Tower Of Joy Flashback On The 'Game Of Thrones' Season 6 Finale Proved This Big Theory