
Ex-CIA agent, BYU grad running for president as independent

McMullin, who threw his hat into the ring on August 8, said he’s more qualified than Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton in battling terrorism. He’s down for the count.


“Utah is an important state for the Trump-Pence campaign, and we look forward to running Mr. Trump’s Op-Ed in ‪next Sunday’s Deseret News”.

Speaking on Friday, Mr McMullin said the business mogul was unfit to be President and he hoped his bid would give people another option. Utahns are asking if he actually gets on the ballot what kind of impact could he have? In addition to that, it’s possible to work through other minor parties which we’re doing. “Then there are also other legal challenges that are available to us, as well”, McMullin said.

On Thursday, McMullin received his first state ballot and will appear on Colorado’s in November. The Rocky Mountain state requires independent presidential candidates to submit a petition of 5,000 signatures and pay a $1,000 filing fee to get on its ballot.

“It’s so likely that Donald Trump will entrance into the race doesn’t affect that”, he said on ABC’s “This Week”. I entered at a time when he was down by 10 percent.

“He’s losing because of his own lack of ability to compete with Hilary Clinton who isn’t a strong candidate; in fact I think she’s one of the weakest the Democrats have put forth in some decades”.

Mr McMullin, 40, who has never held elective office, has been drafted by a group called “Better for America”, led by Republican consultant Rick Wilson and Florida-based pollster and operative Joel Searby, who had been trying for months to find a suitable candidate to make an independent run. I know what companies need to excel. “We need someone who will bring this country together”.


McMullin, who formerly served as a Central Intelligence Agency operative and Republican House chief policy director, said his candidacy provides a change many citizens want, saying “82% of Americans think we’re on the wrong track”.

Independent Candidate for President, Evan McMullin, launches campaign in Salt Lake City