
Ex-CIA Chief Calls Trump ‘Unwitting Agent’ Of Russia In Clinton Endorsement

Morell endorsed Clinton in a Friday Op-Ed in The New York Times, and cited Trump’s proposed policies toward Russian Federation as a major factor in his endorsement.


A former top Central Intelligence Agency official who says he has never publicly expressed his preferences in presidential races has opened up today.

“Between now and [Election Day], I will do everything I can to ensure that she is elected as our 45th president”, he wrote.

Trump, of course, immediately lashed back at Morell in response.

He served under both President George W. Bush during the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks and under President Barack Obama when Osama bin Laden was killed.

Morell has testified in congressional hearings about the September 11, 2012, attack in Benghazi, Libya, which has become central to GOP arguments against Clinton, who led the State Department during the fatal attack.

No longer. On Nov. 8, I will vote for Hillary Clinton.

“Im not surprised. There are very, very bad reporters at completely and totally failing newspapers that nobody reads who say I might start a trade war.

While it’s a rarity for intelligence officials to endorse candidates, once they’re out of their bureaucratic positions, they have announced their support.

There is Speculation around GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump dropping out of the race – and how to replace him if he does. “Second, Donald J. Trump is not only unqualified for the job, but he may well pose a threat to our national security”. It’s an image that the former secretary of state has seemingly been willing to take on, as a string of former national-security officials have flocked to her side in recent months.

“When some wanted to delay the bin Laden raid by one day because the White House Correspondents Dinner might be disrupted, she said, ‘Screw the White House Correspondents Dinner, ‘” he wrote. He noted that Putin is a trained intelligence officer, and he suggested that the Russian leader has been using Trump’s personality for his own gain.

“Mr. Putin played upon Mr. Trump’s vulnerabilities by complimenting him”. Trump’s adoration of Putin, a leader with a reckless and risky track record, makes him “an unwitting agent of the Russian Federation”, Morell added. He is pro-life, married with kids and is endorsed by the business lobby.

He claimed that in contrast to Ms Clinton, Mr Trump did not possess either the experience or the temperament required for president.


“Hillary Clinton and President Obama bear the direct responsibility of destabilizing the Middle East, having let ISIS take firm hold and Iraq, Libya and Syria, not to mention their allowing Americans to be slaughtered at Benghazi”, Trump began.

Morell testifying in Congress